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12/15 – 1/15 where no serialnumbers exist 2003 – 512000512000 is Dec 12, 2003512500 is Jan 27, 2003 …yes a later serial number of 500 yields nearly 12 months earlier512500 –20055389004/18/2005545021Between 1968 and 1974 Buffet also made the Super Dynaction Bb clarinet.. 1964 = 78094 – 831301965 = 83131 – 881671966 = 88168 – 93203196793204 – 99331196899332 -1056171969105618-1144161970111417-1177471971117748-1262091972126210-1339031973133904-1435171974143518-1533231975153324-1635671976163568-1738261977173827-1839011978183902-1918721979191873-2015311980201532-2106521981210653-2212601982221261-2346951983234696-2503711984250372-2663961985266397-2774821986277483-2922671987292268-3026231988302624-3126991989312700-3247691990324770-Below are approximations taken from the Buffet-Cramponwebsite which allows serial number searches325,000 Dec 15, 1989350,000 Oct 17, 1991400,000 May 15, 1995450,000 Sept 16, 1998500,000 June 24, 2002550,000 Nov 7, 2005 (or maybe July 11)600,000 noting returnedIt seems as though they have a very long lay over forchristmas and new years holidays.. That number is the year of manufacture CUNDY - BETTONEY: Flutes, Piccolos, and Clarinets: Henry DISTIN: All Instruments: DOLNET: Saxophones: Peter EATON: Clarinets See Also: FOX: Double-Reeds: IDA MARIA GRASSI: Saxophones See Also.. Serial number BN5697 It is not in playing condition No dents, but does show signs of use and appears to be very old Pre.. “x” specifies the keywork plating such as “02” or “2” forsilver plating and 5 or 05 for nickel keywork“y” is used to specify the pitch.. Approximately 1990 Buffet changed their lineup Pre-1990Pro to Beginner: R13 (Pro) – C12 (Intermediate) – E45(Intermediate) – E11 (Beginner) – B12 (Beginner)Post 1990Pro to Begginer: R13 (Pro) – E13 (Intermediate) & C12 (conservatoryintermediate) – E12 (Intermediate) –E11 (Beg) – B12 (Beg)C-13 (aka International)is the equivalent to an E-11 but it was manufactured as a “private brand”for another US companyBuffet E-13 Clarinets SerialnumberYear ofmakeNotes, pics10109-163771961-196616378-230071966-196923008-296231969-197329624-321671973-197532168-428031975-197742804-490921977-197949093-565361979-198156537-626841981-198362685-701911983-1987Buffet Harmony Clarinets SerialnumberYear ofmakeNotes, pics19506-19578195019579-19638195119639-19680195219681-19781195319782-19965195419966-20091195520092-20154195620155-20237195820238-20401195920402-20502196020503-20511196120512-20692196220693-20775196320776-20864196420855-20911196520912-21054196621055-21209196721210-21358196821359-21432196921433-21500197021501-21587197121558-21627197221628-21702197321703-21796197421797-21953197521954-21999197622000-22114197722115-22233197822234-22350197922351-22425198022462-22535198122536-22692198222693-22859198322860-23059198423060-23274198523275-23462198623463-23619198723620-23875198823876-24190198924191-24506199024509-25221199125222-26077199226078-267341993Cundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers LookupSilva-Bet is a trade name used by the Cundy-Bettoney company, a woodwind maker and distributor in Boston, Massachusetts.. N White with the Silver King Penzel-Mueller and C G Conn, which had each tried the metal clarinet earlier with commercially unsuccessful double-walled models, returned with single-walled models—P-M with the Artist and Conn with the 514 and later the 624.. Silva-Bet no S5047, one-piece bodyThe Silva-Bet was still being made, or at least distributed, in 1940, but had been discontinued by 1951.. Metal soprano clarinets were common during the 1930s and 1940s, but never gained enough acceptance among professionals for top-of-the-line models like the Silva-Bet to remain viable.. Flute in C by Cundy-Bettoney Company, Boston, ca Silva-Bet is a trade name used by the Cundy-Bettoney company, a woodwind maker and distributor in Boston, Massachusetts.. Physical characteristics[edit]The Silva-Bet, body and keys, is made of an alloy variously known as maillechort, German silver or nickel silver, and is plated with silver.. My father picked up a Cundy Bettoney (H Bettoney) clarinet when he was young (about 11 years old).. a Silva-Bet metal clarinetHistory[edit]The Silva-Bet, which debuted in 1925, is generally acknowledged to have been the first successful metal clarinet.. The serial # is A4216 The only other markings are the company name (H Bettoney CBCo Boston USA, a symbol of some sort, and US imprinted on it.. “c” is optional and used to designate G for Greenline, Lfor the optional LH Eb lever.. Physical characteristics[edit]. Around 1950 Buffet adopted a new model identification of “No1” or “NO1”.. The case is separated, The fabric that connects the two pieces needs Buffet Crampon ClarinetsBuffet Serial NumbersSerial Numbers breakdownAround 1950 Buffet adopted a new model identification of“No1” or “NO1”.. For all instruments prior to appx 1937, there is a grenade fruit with a number inside it stamped on the horn.. The barrel of the Silva-Bet features a telescoping mechanism for tuning the instrument.. Flute in C by Cundy-Bettoney Company, Boston, ca Boehm system, closed hole, C foot.. Annotated Checklist of Flutes and Piccolos by The Cundy-Bettoney Company (Checklist in serial number order) NMM 3037.. Metal soprano clarinets were common during the 1930s and 1940s, but never gained enough acceptance among professionals for top-of-the-line models like the Silva-Bet to remain viable.. One of these is a Bettoney Piccolo, serial 24xx, (entirely wood - presumably Ebony - not with a silver head joint as most seem to have).. “0” for 440, 2,for 442, 4 for 444 If this is not designated then it defaults to440.. First made with a one-piece body with detachable barrel, the Silva-Bet clarinet was later available with a two-piece body plus detachable barrel.. Years ago I 'messed around' on flute, but it has never been my main instrument (mostly I play horns these days) and I am finally bringing myself to part with the instruments I don't play or practice.. (Precise production records are difficult, if not impossible, to find ) H N White continued producing high-quality metal soprano clarinets into the 1960s, and Leblanc continues even today to make their professional contrabass and contra-alto clarinets of metal, but most professional metal soprano clarinet models had been discontinued by 1945 (In Italy, ORSI continues till today to make metal soprano clarinet).. Although some other products were marketed under the name Silva-Bet, including flutes and clarinet reeds, it was primarily attached to the company's flagship metal clarinet.. [4]the two styles of Silva-Bet barrel There are also at least two varieties of thumb rest, one with the platform and rest a single curved plate attached to the body by a rail, the other with the platform a box attached to the body all around and the rest soldered to that box.. Although some other products were marketed under the name Silva-Bet, including flutes and clarinet reeds, it was primarily attached to the company's flagship metal clarinet.. Silva-Bet no S5047, one-piece bodyThe Silva-Bet was still being made, or at least distributed, in 1940, but had been discontinued by 1951.. last two digits '47' stamped into the bottom of the keys (S5047)The soprano Silva-Bet was made in the keys of E flat, B flat and A, with the B flat being by far the most common.. This coincided wth the polycylindrical bore introduction Even though the R13 was officially introduced in 1955 some versions of it apparently existed beforehand, though 1955 was the official final production design.. Other than the patent date and the year and the serial number I cannot find any other markings.. [1][2] Shortly after the appearance of the Silva-Bet, other woodwind makers entered the metal clarinet market, including Selmer Paris in 1927 [3] with their Master Model as well as American companies Buescher with their True Tone model and H.. a Silva-Bet metal clarinetHistory[edit]The Silva-Bet, which debuted in 1925, is generally acknowledged to have been the first successful metal clarinet.. Cundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers LookupCundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers OnlineBettoney Alto ClarinetCundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers DoreenYou are bidding on a vintage Cundy-Bettoney flute.. The last two digits of the serial number are stamped into the bottom of the keys.. The toneholes, except on the earliest examples, have widened tops to improve the sealing and durability of the pads.. 1825-1885no records18851A-408A1886409A-999A1886A1 – A8861887A887-A999B1 – B9991B – 417B1888498B-999B1C – 999CC1 – C3001889C301-C999D1 – D9991K5211D-348D1890349D – 999DE1 – E9991E – 316E1891317E – 999EF1 -F9991 F-190F1892191F – 999FG1 – G9991G – 58G189359G – 999GH1 – H9991H -1 84H1894185H – 999HI1 – I6651895I666 – I9991I – 999IJ1 – J6171896J618 – J9991J – 999JK1 – K5141897K515 – K9991 K – 999KL1 – L5611898L562 – L9991L – 999LM1 – M5901899M591 – M9991M – 999MN1 – N4401900N441 – N9991N – 999NO1 – O5211901O522 – O9991O – 999OP1 – P9991P – 374P1902375P – 999PR1 – R9991R – 404R1903405R – 999RS1 – S9991S – 999ST1 – T401904T41 – T999621T – 999TU1 – U9991U – 81U190582U – 999UV1 – V9991V – 751V1906752V – 999VX1 – X9991X – 999XY1 – Y8401907Y841 – Y9991Y – 999YZ1 – Z9991Z – 812Z1908813Z – 999Z1A2 – 1A9992A1-999A11B1 – 1B999B21 – 60B119131H501-1H9992H1 – 999H11I2 – 1I9992I1 – 413I11914414I1 – 999I141J2 – 1J9992J1 – 224J11915225J1 – 999J11K2 – 1K34119161K342-1K9992K1 – 460K11917461K1-999K11K2 -1K52119181K522-1K9992L1 – 661L11919662L1 -999L11M2 – 1M80019201M801-1M9992M1 – 999M111N2 – 1N51519211N516 -1N9992N1 – 999N11O2 – 1O19319221O194 -1O9992O1 – 692O11923693O1 -999O11P2 – 1P9992P1 – 536P11924537P1 – 999P11R2 -1R9991R1 – 226R11925227R1 – 999R11S2 -1S87619261S877 – 1S9992S1 – 999S11T2 – 1T50819271T509 – 1T54219281 – 250019292501 – 499919305000 – 749919317500 – 9999193210000 – 12500193312501 – 15000193415001 -18000193518001-20000193620001 – 22000193722001 – 24000193824001 – 26000193926001 – 270001943 – the two LH side spatula keys on separate posts194527001 – 280001945 -1957about 3000 per yearabout 3000 per year (SNs are approx)1946 – 28001 – 305001947 – 30501 – 330001948 – 33001 – 355001949 – 35501 – 380001950 – 38001 – 405001951 – 40501 – 430001952 – 43001 – 455001953 – 45501 – 480001954 – 48001 – 505001955 – 50501 – 530001956 – 53001 – 555001957 – 55501 – 588341955 – official production of the R-13195858835 – 59143195959144 – 62457196062458 – 65956196165957 – 68717196269718 – 75319196375320 – 78093Apparently the most wanted Buffets are from the range83k to 200k (1965 to 1979)1964 to 196678094 – 93203To the right I calculate out and average production per year.. First made with a one-piece body with detachable barrel, the Silva-Bet clarinet was later available with a two-piece body plus detachable barrel.. It's serial number is BN13169 It comes complete with it's Original Cleaning Rod, and the key for it's Case.. Earlier examples of the Silva-Bet have serial numbers beginning with S, usually followed by four digits.. The Current code break is like the following:BC1131-2-0 broken down as BCaabb(c)-x-y“aa” may contain 11 (for Bb or Sib in french), 12 for A orLa, 15 for Eb or Mib, 17 for F, plus other code desgnations.. There are at least two varieties of tuning barrel, one with a thick head and two slim rotating rings at the top, the other with a thin head with a single rotating sleeve in the middle.. The ends of this Flute have silver end caps There are a few of it's pads that will need to be.. For all instruments prior to appx 1937, there is a grenade fruit with a number inside it stamped on the horn.. Evette Master models with the cutout under the RH crow feet are theidentified R-13 rejects.. The barrel of the Silva-Bet features a telescoping mechanism for tuning the instrument.. Few of these are known in existance though they seem to have a low demanddue to their jazz heritage.. The retooling of factories for wartime production probably contributed to their demise.. Bettoney silver flute Serial number is 1468 and engraved on flute A beautiful and functional collectors piece.. I believe this is a Bettoney or Haynes flute The serial number is the same on all three pieces.. Bettoney Alto ClarinetCundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers ListCundy Bettoney Flute Serial NumbersCundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers SearchBettoney Alto ClarinetSilva-Bet is a trade name used by the Cundy-Bettoney company, a woodwind maker and distributor in Boston, Massachusetts.. “bb” specifies the model of R13 “31” is the R-13,02 for the E13, 11 for RC, 12 for the RC (possibly 444hrz, needclarification), 23 for the Bassett, 83 for the Prestige RCBass to low Eb, 93 for the Pretige Bass to Low C, plus other designations.. This coincided wth the polycylindrical boreintroduction Even though the R13 was officially introduced in 1955some versions of it apparently existed beforehand, though 1955 was theofficial final production design.. Many thanks to Peter Glas in Holland for these pictures of Silva-Bet #S5047 Here is a Cundy-Bettoney Model 100 Flute in it's Original Case.. Later models have serial numbers beginning with V The serial number is marked near the top of the body just below the barrel tenon, and rarely at the bottom of the body just above the bell seam.. N White with the Silver King Penzel-Mueller and C G Conn, which had each tried the metal clarinet earlier with commercially unsuccessful double-walled models, returned with single-walled models—P-M with the Artist and Conn with the 514 and later the 624.. (Precise production records are difficult, if not impossible, to find ) H N White continued producing high-quality metal soprano clarinets into the 1960s, and Leblanc continues even today to make their professional contrabass and contra-alto clarinets of metal, but most professional metal soprano clarinet models had been discontinued by 1945 (In Italy, ORSI continues till today to make metal soprano clarinet).. Bettoney / H Bettoney ‘Silva-Bet’ All that I know about this instrument is that it is universally known as one of the best metal clarinets ever made.. It has been tested and definitely is sterling All pieces slide together smoothly.. [1][2] Shortly after the appearance of the Silva-Bet, other woodwind makers entered the metal clarinet market, including Selmer Paris in 1927 [3] with their Master Model as well as American companies Buescher with their True Tone model and H.. Silva-Bet no S5047, one-piece bodyThe Silva-Bet was still being made, or at least distributed, in 1940, but had been discontinued by 1951.. The toneholes, except on the earliest examples, have widened tops to improve the sealing and durability of the pads.. [1][2] Shortly after the appearance of the Silva-Bet, other woodwind makers entered the metal clarinet market, including Selmer Paris in 1927 [3] with their Master Model as well as American companies Buescher with their True Tone model and H.. Metal soprano clarinets were common during the 1930s and 1940s, but never gained enough acceptance among professionals for top-of-the-line models like the Silva-Bet to remain viable.. Farming simulator 2011 for macbook pro a Silva-Bet metal clarinetHistory[edit]The Silva-Bet, which debuted in 1925, is generally acknowledged to have been the first successful metal clarinet.. That number is the year of manufacture CUNDY - BETTONEY: Flutes, Piccolos, and Clarinets: Henry DISTIN: All Instruments: DOLNET: Saxophones: Peter EATON: FOX: Double-Reeds: IDA MARIA GRASSI.. Physical characteristics[edit]Cundy Bettoney Flute Serial Numbers ListThe Silva-Bet, body and keys, is made of an alloy variously known as maillechort, German silver or nickel silver, and is plated with silver.. If someone could give me some information on Buffet Serial Numbers Serial Numbers breakdown.. Although some other products were marketed under the name Silva-Bet, including flutes and clarinet reeds, it was primarily attached to the company's flagship metal clarinet.. The retooling of factories for wartime production probably contributed to their demise.. N White with the Silver King Penzel-Mueller and C G Conn, which had each tried the metal clarinet earlier with commercially unsuccessful double-walled models, returned with single-walled models—P-M with the Artist and Conn with the 514 and later the 624.. Alto and bass Silva-Bets were also made Standard boehm keywork (17 keys, 6 rings) was usual, but (at least on the A and B flat sopranos) some extended boehm configurations (7th ring, articulated G sharp with extra trill key, low E flat, left-hand E flat lever) were available, as was standard albert keywork (13 keys, 4 rollers, 4 rings).. There are at least two varieties of tuning barrel, one with a thick head and two slim rotating rings at the top, the other with a thin head with a single rotating sleeve in the middle.. Best reasonable offer Do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers (Checklist in serial number order) NMM 3037.. (Precise production records are difficult, if not impossible, to find ) H N White continued producing high-quality metal soprano clarinets into the 1960s, and Leblanc continues even today to make their professional contrabass and contra-alto clarinets of metal, but most professional metal soprano clarinet models had been discontinued by 1945 (In Italy, ORSI continues till today to make metal soprano clarinet).. The retooling of factories for wartime production probably contributed to their demise.